Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

First of all, Happy 2011 guys! I just want to say, everyone has been so great and supportive as I am getting started. I can't wait to really start making a difference this coming year. I want to give a special thank you to the following people:

Aubrey Curl- Thanks for helping so much with the fundraiser and everything!
Monica Naranjo- Thanks for the brochures and information. Thank you for answering my questions.
Monica Best- Thanks for our first donation. :)
Pastor Lauren- Thanks for letting us host the fundraiser at your church!

Come on everyone! Let's make 2011 the best year ever for the chimps and all great apes!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Our first donation

Wow. I got on the blog and, as always, glanced at the First Giving button. I never really notice that there are no donations. Well, today I had to look twice to see if I was seeing right. It said 4%. WE HAVE OUR FIRST DONATION! A special thanks goes out to Monica Best, for an amazingly generous donation of $100! Also, thank you to whoever controls STC's facebook page, as I am guessing she heard about me from you guys! Thank you all so much for supporting me and the chimps! Scrappy is happy!

If you want to donate, click the First Giving button to the right.


Starting the fundraiser!

Hey guys! Guess what? My friend Aubrey and I got started on our fundraiser! We are going to have a carnival at a local church! I can't wait. We are going to have games, contests, booths, and a big raffle at the end! It's going to be AMAZING!!!!! Anyway, if you have any ideas for games, contests or booths, leave them in a comment below! Also, any ideas for things to put in the raffle would be great! I'll keep you guys updated!

Don't forget to click the box on the right to donate to my Firstgiving page! Any amount helps!
Like Save a Chimp on Facebook!
Do some chimp research.
Follow us and if you like this, check out Make a Chimp Smile!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Chimpmas!

"Chimpmas" is coming up and now is a great time to send a chimp care package to Save the Chimps (STC). You can either make your own care package (with CREAMY peanut butter, dried fruits, nuts, powdered Gatorade/Powerade, Raisins, Craisins, Jellies, Oatmeal, or Chocolate Chip cookies) or you could go online to where they have two care packages for the chimps.
Click here to get the $25 care package.
Click here to get the $50 care package.

Don't forget to donate to STC here

All About Save the Chimps

 That's what Save the Chimps is all about. If you want to learn more, click here

Why I made the blog

Hi, my name is Olivia and welcome to Change 4 Chimps.

I have loved chimpanzees for as long as I can remember. I want to help them in any way possible. I stumbled upon a website about an amazing charity doing amazing things. It is called Save the Chimps. They provide a sanctuary to chimps that were in biomedical research labs. Currently they are trying to migrate chimpanzees from the Coulston Foundation, a biomedical research lab that was shut down, in New Mexico to their "Islands in the Sun" sanctuary in Ft. Pierce, FL.  My goal by starting this blog is to raise not only awareness of the issue of biomedical research, but to raise money to help Save the Chimps. I am going to try to raise $2,500 to migrate Scrappy to Florida. There, he will be able to play in the grass, sleep under the stars, and most importantly, have plenty of room to swing and climb.

If you want to read about Scrappy, click here.
If you want to donate, click here