Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cage Sit Pictures!!!

I know you are all dying to see pictures of us at the cage sit (haha). So here are some of the pictures we took.

Aubrey before the cage sit... We didn't know how bad it would be... :/ 
Aubrey eating a banana!
 Olivia eating half of an onion!
 aubrey eating the other half of the onion!
Olivia posing with a banana!
 Our food for the 24 hours: a pear, grapes, strawberries, celery, 6 bananas, 2 oranges,
2 clementines, 2 apples, a fruit cup, and (eww) carrots.

 Aubrey. She really liked the lighting from the camera flash. (we didn't turn on the lights).

Olivia in the corner with her HSUS shirt and amazing socks looking depressed.

This is a good one to see just how small the cages are. :(

Another pic of our food and water. We were SO HUNGRY!


  1. thanks for posting the pics!!! you had good food but it must have been boring. the floor is hard 2.

  2. Yeah. It was good for the first while... until we ate an entire bag of carrots. lol. We barely slept. Our hips actually are bruised from trying to lay on our sides... :(

  3. It looks so uncomfortable! But very much worth it for all the money and awareness you raised for Hunter and lab chimps

  4. It was uncomfortable - I barely slept at all last night and I was really sore. It was COMPLETELY worth it though, Amy, you are a genius for thinking of it! Not only did it raise other people's awareness, but mine, too. I thought I knew what they went through, but now I can relate to them. And as bad as this was, they have the added pain of dart guns, procedures, and fear, usually for their whole lives! After 7 hours, all I could think was "I need to get out!" and the chimps don't even have that to look forward to! This was a really eye-opening experience and it makes me NEED to help them get out even more. I hope you can do it soon, it's really great! I would have gone mad if I hadn't had Aubrey there (and even then I ended up making up songs and attempting to meditate, haha!)!

    Olivia (:())

  5. Yeah, it was crazy!! it was difficult but worth it!! Thanks again Amy for thinking of the idea!!

