Friday, January 28, 2011

Updates... (2)

Hey guys! I haven't blogged in a while. Have you been telling your friends to click the button and follow the blog? Haha, if not, I hope you do!!!

Updates on Hunter: As you can see from the first giving widget, we are already 7% to the goal, in the first    month! I personally think this is amazing :). Thanks to all that have helped and will help in the future. If you want to donate, click the first giving button! Also, you can forward the link and tell all of your friends.

Updates on the fundraiser: Not much has happened with it lately. Aubrey and I are drinking plenty of  Vitamin Water for bowling. Note: I am not endorsing Vitamin Water (although I personally love it) but if the
company just so HAPPENS to want to donate after this free, impromptu mentioning, I wouldn't mind (haha).

Since I haven't posted in a while, I decided to give you a random list of people I would like to meet. There are only four. If you don't want to know and you only read this for Hunter updates then feel free to stop reading now. (The list is chimp related of course :)).

4.)Monica Naranjo.
    Why?: She has helped me so much with getting this fundraiser off the ground. Thank you Monica!

3.) Amy Atherton.
     Why?: She is amazing and great at helping the great apes :). She is dedicated and helpful with fundraising ideas.

2.) Brandon Wood.
     Why?: He is amazing and I would definately love to do a video about chimps with him :).

1.) Dr. Jane Goodall.
     Why?: I'd love to talk to her about chimpanzees and what I could do to help them more. Also, she seems  like a super interesting person. She has done so many amazing things in her life. She is my inspiration.


  1. نجار بالمدينة المنورة
    تعتبر حرفة النجار من أكثر أنواع الحرف الذي يستعين بها عملاء المدينة وجدة ومكة المكرمة في أعمال صيانة الأثاث، وفك وتركيب وتصنيع الأبواب والنوافذ الخشبية، كما أنه يقوم بتصنيع أروع الدواليب وخزانات المطبخ.
